Over Watch – Advanced Payments Sanctions checking

  • November 4, 2019
  • AI

The AI that detects criminals in real time

Potential security and business threats can look seemingly innocent on the surface. Criminals will use their white collar disguise to prevent detection in increasingly advanced ways. Add the speed and volume of data and transactions transaction’s that occur simultaneously and the criminals operate with the advantage on their side. In the case of payments sanctions processing, accidentally letting one of these through the net can expose your organisation to unlimited liability.  

There are ways to reduce or eliminate this unlimited liability risk. By harnessing the power of AI you can detect and prevent fraudulent transactions in real time.  

Over Watch is designed with the security needs of financial institutions, government organisations, and businesses that rely on identity verification in mind. There are many uses cases however in the case of payments sanctions processing, Over Watch can vastly reduce ‘false positives’ improving costs and efficiency, and more importantly, reduce the likelihood of a ‘false negative’ slipping through the processing cracks thus exposing your organisation to unlimited liability. 

Using the latest in National Security grade technology, leveraging advanced Natural Language Processing, Over Watch intelligently matches identities based on linguistic structures and cultural norms. It can produce identity matches despite variations in misspellings, nicknames, initials, and titles. Working with both your data and international watch lists, it is programmed to accurately translate languages and scripts to identify suspicious activity and transactions related to sanctions targets, in real time.  

Avoid the unlimited liability that comes from trusting and transacting with criminals. Fortify your defenses, whilst improving your payments exceptions processing efficiency, when you harness the AI power of Over Watch. 

Get the demo today.  

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